Group. Movement. Space.

It’s time to start the new you!

Find Your Tribe

Group Fitness For All

Discover the power of community and motivation with group fitness! Engaging in group exercise classes not only elevates your physical health but also boosts your mental well-being by fostering a sense of camaraderie and support among participants. Whether it’s the infectious energy, the diversity of workouts, or the accountability partners you’ll find, group fitness offers a unique blend of encouragement and fun that’s hard to replicate on your own. With professional instructors leading the way, each session is an opportunity to learn proper techniques, ensuring you get the most out of every workout. Embrace the collective journey towards health and wellness, where every class feels like a shared triumph.

Find Your Perfect Class

We have classes for everyone, from starter to advanced

High Fitness

Bigger, Better, HIGHer!!! Aerobics is back, and better than ever! This class is a sweat sesh with all your favorite moves! Combining hiit, core, and cardio into 1 hour will give you a full body, FUN workout you will feel throughout the day!

HighLOW Fitness

Bigger, Better LOWER! This is everything that is great about high fitness, but lower impact! This fun class can be taken by any age, and ability! You burn the same amount of calories, with a little pressure on the joints!

Upbeat Barre

Your cardio COMPANION! This is a must add to your weekly workout regimen. Upbeat is the very best of what barre has to offer, TONE & TIGHTEN, all pre- choreographed to the best music!

Come Find Your Soulstice With Us

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